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Human Right Cell


Human Rights have implicit importance as they are considered indispensable for the survival of human beings. Human Rights Cell is constituted to promote and preserve human rights in the campus. The cell aims at creating awareness about human rights among the students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the college. The main focus of the cell is to implement Human Rights through effective institutional policy development, capability building and control of Human Rights violation. The vision of the cell is to visualize a comprehensive society where everyone takes responsibility to promote and preserve human rights.

Aims and Objectives

  • To educate and create greater awareness of human rights.
  • To create sensitivity and enhance the knowledge of human rights among the people in and around the college by organizing various awareness programmes.
  • To educate and train the students on Human Rights.
  • To respond against the violation of human right issues reported in the college by raising the voice in a proper platform and thereby facilitate to ensure the protection of human rights.
  • To study and examine cases of human rights in and around the campus.
  • To work for ensuring that basic human rights are respected everywhere.



  • To foster a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and rights of each individual.
  • To prevent, report and discourage discrimination and harassment by any individual.
  • To uplift the universal responsibilities of human beings in the society such as ethnicity, nationality, religion, place of birth,language,age,physical and mental disability or sex.